August 25, 2008

Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 - DBA new features

I found the following are the couple of new dba features in R12.1

1. The following are the database and middle tier new verions:
Oracle Database
XDK for the Database Tier
Oracle Application Server (for Middle Tier Forms and Reports)
Oracle Application Server (for Middle Tier Java Code / Oracle Applications Framework)*
XDK for the Middle Tier*
Oracle HTTP Server*
Oracle HTTP Client*
Java SE Development Kit – JDK (for Middle Tier Java Code / Oracle Applications Framework) 6.0*
Java SE Development Kit – JDK (for Concurrent ProcessingTier) 6.0*
Oracle AS 10g Single Sign-On / Oracle Internet Directory
Oracle AS 10g Discoverer
Oracle Collaboration Suite 10.1.2
Oracle Enterprise Manager

2. AutoConfig Profiler
R12.1 AutoConfig contains an option to run in a Profiler mode. Running AutoConfig in this mode generates a performance report with timing details about each script instantiated and run by AutoConfig.

3. AutoConfig Parallelization Across Nodes
In R12.1, AutoConfig can be run in parallel on different nodes of an E-Business Suite instance. This lowers time it takes to run AutoConfig across all nodes of an EBS instance, thus shortening downtime for patching windows.

4. Shared Application Tier File System Amongst Multiple EBS Instances
This feature enables the sharing of the same file system amongst associated EBS Instances, for example PROD and PROD_BACKUP, or TEST and DEV. This guarantees that such instances are on the same patch level, reduces patching downtime and simplified dual maintenance. Sharing of the database file system is not included in this feature. Details are published as appendix B to the Oracle MetaLink Note 384248.1 titled "Sharing the Application Tier File System in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12."

5. Middle Tier Load Balancing
This feature provides configuration support for major load balancing categories: DNS, OC4J Native, HTTP-layer (hardware/software). Details are available in Oracle MetaLink Note 380489.1 titled "Using Load-Balancers with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12."

6. Build Context XML Utility for Cross Platform Migration
In R12.1 AutoConfig contains an Build Context XML Utility for the database tier. This utility enables and simplifies cross platform migration and database upgrades.

7. Integration with BI Publisher
Oracle Application Framework now integrates with BI Publisher so that customers can easily add a Print button to any Oracle Application Framework-based product page using personalization and publish existing Oracle E-Business Suite application data (tables) as BI Publisher reports using BI Publisher screens. Developers can also add similar buttons using the design time interface.

8. FNDLOAD - Data Type Support Enhancements
FNDLOAD is a generic seed data loader tool. Prior to Release 12.1, FNDLOAD supported CLOB data but not BLOB data in its LDT files. With Release 12.1, FNDLOAD supports BLOB data to better serve content-rich applications.

9. Workflow: Worklist - Bulk Notification Response and Bulk Notification Close
Worklist provides an Oracle E-Business Suite user with the list of notifications that ispending review. A worklist can be perceived an Inbox of items pending review within Oracle E-Business Suite. These notifications are sent from an underlying Oracle Workflow process submitted pertaining to a business transaction such as expense report approval, requisition/purchase order approval and time card approval.

The Bulk Notification Response feature provides the ability for mass response of WF worklist notifications. Oracle Workflow now lets users respond to multiple notifications of the same type at once using a Respond button on the Worklist and Notification Search pages. Oracle Workflow also lets users close multiple FYI notifications at once using a Close button on the Worklist and Notification Search pages. These features enhance user productivity by letting users handle similar notifications in bulk, rather than having to navigate to the Notification Details page for each notification individually.

10. Oracle User Management(UMX) - 360 Degree View
“360 degree” view aims to provide information in terms of “Who, What, Why and How”. When a search is made for.

To explain this feature we are providing an example. In case the user asks for “WHAT Roles does an user ABC have?” the system will also provide for “WHY that role was assigned to the user” and “HOW that role was assigned to the user”

Ref: Note:561580.1 E-Business Suite Release 12.1: Release Content Documents
