October 12, 2007

OEM Grid Control Installation

Installing Oracle OEM GRID Control
Prepared when installing for SFK Pulp WV.
Download the software into the staging directory.
Cleanup, if your previous installation was failed.
1. Stop all services – agent, oms, oracle (emrep).
2. Remove the base directory files from /u02/oracle/oem.
3. Remove the oracle home path entries from /etc/oratab
4. Remove oracle home entries from /etc/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml file
5. Make sure all servers of OEM are stoped
Ps –ef grep oms
Ps –ef grep tns
Ps –ef grep emrep
Ps –ef grep
Installation pre-requisites
1. Create oracle base directory for oem, ‘u02/oracle/oem’.
2. Make sure all kernel parameters are set as per the oracle oem installation guide.
3. Make sure all rpm packages are installed as per the oracle OEM installation guide
4. Make sure sufficient disk spaces are available for the installation mount points.
5. Disable setting env from .profile or .bash_profile
1. Login as oracle user
$ su - oracle
2. Unset LS_COLORS and LESSOPEN env parameters
$ unset LS_COLORS
$ unset LESSOPEN
3. Make sure any env parameters are set for ORACLE or oracle
$ ps –ef grep ORA
$ ps –ef grep ora
4. Change to installation stage directory
$ cd /u02/oracle/stage
5. Start the installer
$ ./runInstaller
6. click on installed products button, to verify any products exists , which are not removed from the previous installation.
7. select the EM 10g Grid control using a new database option. Click next.